The Results Are In
/We would like to thank everyone who participated in our high school study over the past 18 months. The feedback has been tremendously helpful to us in identifying strengths and areas of needed improvement in our high school and the district as a whole. We would also like to thank Mrs. Christy Ryken and UNI’s Strategic Marketing Services for leading this project. The scope of their work was comprehensive. From developing a timeline, creating interview and survey questions, carrying out interviews, summarizing the findings and meeting with us to help process the results, they have been amazing to work with and incredibly professional! We are grateful to them for their expertise and work with us on this journey.
We read through all the feedback, which amounts to 122 pages from four different survey groups and have started planning next steps. We feel it is important to communicate the themes, both positive and negative and address things we can to the best of our ability. There were some specific situations mentioned in interviews or surveys we will be unable to address due to the sensitive nature of those responses, however, we will do our best to be as transparent as possible while honoring the confidentiality of the survey respondents, staff and the student body.
Our plan will be to release a series of blog posts breaking down the 8-10 themes identified by Strategic Marketing Services. Some of the responses and next steps will be quite lengthy, and others will be fairly short.
Again, thank you to those who took the time to complete surveys or participate in interviews with Strategic Marketing Services. We truly appreciate it!